It has been a while since I added a new blog to my website. You might ask: “What took you so long?”
I tend to write blogs on writing, the importance of friends and family, and on cheering people on to write.
As my readers know, I am an author of published childrens’ books as well as suspense books with World Castle Publishers. My husband is also an author of suspense books. His newest, The Last, is coming out in 2023 published by World Castle. As he waits for the The Last to be published, we decided to write a suspense book together. As usual, this one, Betrayed is filled with strong characters, and very sinister characters. In the books we both write, we want the reader to finish the chapter and quickly move on to find out what happens next.
I have never written a suspense novel with someone else, let alone my husband. I did have fun writing a sentimental grown-up/picture book I Love You, Be Careful with my sister Joan and am creating another childrens’ manuscript with my youngest son, Nick. My husband and I have very different writing styles, but I have to say most of the times it is fun - and something we take seriously.
I wrote the outline, and it morphed into a thriller. I write fast, and my first draft’s grammar definitely needs review, so in stepped Gil to assist. As he adjusted the grammar and rummaged through his thesaurus, he became intrigued with the idea for the book. The outline changed and morphed as he provided not just grammatical advice, but writing and plot advice.
With his medical/scientific background it has made for interesting discussions. He captures dialogue in books very well, though there are times when I push back, saying "No, the main character wouldn't say that to her mom” or things of that nature. I used to be a family/marital therapist professionally, so when I feel like saying, "If you really loved me, you would change this line", I don't. As I always told my clients: never use that line.
There are times that Gil and I see a plot point or a character very differently, but we work out those views to try to combine our styles. I loved his first book, Brain Warp, a suspense book written years ago about the tortured relationship between Ukraine and Russia, and he likes my thrillers. When we’re done, we will submit the thriller, the publisher will review and provide final edits.
I hope you are writing, and if you have a loved one, a close friend, or even just an occasional contact, I encourage you to consider writing with them. Having my husband write with me has been fun most times, and our 17 year old rescue cat Bailey loves sitting by our computers as we write (Though I think she likes the treats most of all)
I hope you have a Happy New Year, and get to spend time with your loved ones, or at least have them in your heart.