People who follow my blog have seen many pictures of one of my cats, Lucy.
We adopted her at one year old and she has been a joy, cuddling with us at every opportunity.
Yesterday, at age 12, Lucy passed away.
Our hearts are broken, but she lives on in our" “Lucy stories”. Our sons and their spouses feel the loss as Lucy would be part of their visits to our home, and all her shenanigans that would make us laugh.
Appropriately, a few years ago, my husband and I co-wrote When I Call A Name At Night with Billy Rae Stewart.
It is a song about losing someone you love and eventually finding it within you to continue on . You'll get teary, I think the song really captures the feeling of loss at the Snider family right now.
To all those who have lost someone, human or your "pet family", I wish you the strength to continue on, and may they be in your hearts forever.
So, Lucy, the funny stories we will tell about you will go on and this post is dedicated to YOU.