Life is busy. Sometimes way too busy.
What made me think of this is because I have been getting feedback about my suspense books, especially The Donation Man, that it is a "Quick Read" and that the larger print helps, too.
One reader said that, due to the snow storms that have hit the East Coast, she finally got to my book, the first time she's had to read a book in a long time, and she spent the day sipping coffee and reading.
She likes suspense books, and was glad I put one of the characters from my first suspense book in this one. (She was also glad she read it during the day, not before bed!)
She wrote that she loves that the books are quick reads, and she didn't get sore eyes from small print.
Life is busy, she wrote, but staying in all day during snow storm with a comfy chair, and my book made for a good day.
So if you're reading this, thanks to you who want that quick read at home, in an airplane, during a snowstorm, wherever and whenever. You know who you are, and here's to you - the busy ones.